

What is Hot in Company Law?

By | 2019-01-04T12:47:56+00:00 January 4th, 2019|Opinion|

As many of you may be aware, we provide a free-to-use website (CAIRR-Companies Act Integrated Ready Reckoner) that provides an integrated view of the Companies Act, LODR and IB code. Over the last three years, this site has generated good traction with 3000+ individuals registering for getting updates and attracts more than 1500 [...]

The Four Stages of Evolution in Equity Share Valuation: 4.Valuation of Loss-making entities with Potential -The Concept, Trigger & Limitations

By | 2020-04-29T11:11:12+00:00 December 5th, 2018|First of First|

A key ingredient that ensured the growing success of companies is the evolution in valuation of shares that permitted shareholders to sell and investors to buy shares without diluting any of the economic advantages of ownership. The evolution of share valuation is episodic, marked by stock market bubbles and often a major scandal that [...]

What is Hot in Company Law?

By | 2018-12-06T12:10:27+00:00 December 5th, 2018|Opinion|

Listing of the most viewed sections in the Companies Act for the month of November 2018 based on visitors to our free to use website Company Law Top 5 Chartbusters-November 2018 Rank Section number Section title 1 62 Further Issue of Share Capital 2 186 Loans and Investments by Companies 3 179 Powers [...]

Defining A Desired level of Maintaining Secretarial Records in India

By | 2018-12-06T12:03:25+00:00 November 5th, 2018|Opinion|

In the absence of a physical presence, the actions of a legal entity like Company is evidenced only by their records. Considering the importance of records, there are extensive provisions made in the Companies Act, Rules and Mandatory Secretarial Standards on how to maintain Secretarial Records, with penalty for non-compliances. Given this importance, we [...]

The Four Stages of Evolution in Equity Share Valuation: 3.Price Earnings Multiple Method- The Concept, Trigger and Limitations

By | 2020-04-29T11:09:04+00:00 November 5th, 2018|First of First|

A key ingredient that ensured the growing success of companies is the evolution in valuation of shares that permitted shareholders to sell and investors to buy shares without diluting any of the economic advantages of ownership. The evolution of share valuation is episodic, marked by stock market bubbles and often a major scandal that [...]

Diluting or Strengthening the Regulations? The Issue of Due Dates and Extensions

By | 2018-12-06T12:26:33+00:00 October 5th, 2018|Call for Change|

BACKGROUND We saw significant changes in the corporate regulatory environment in the past few months. To name two of them: June 6 saw the introduction of BEN-1, a form to be filed with the company by individuals holding beneficial interest of 25% or more, and individuals exercising significant influence or control. July 5th saw [...]

The Four Stages of Evolution in Equity Share Valuation: 2.Book Value Method- The Concept, Trigger and Limitations

By | 2020-04-29T11:05:38+00:00 October 5th, 2018|First of First|

Large businesses and business intending to be large are organized as companies for they provide the triple advantage of ‘Existence at will’ for they survive till their shareholders decide to dissolve them Limited liability enabling many unrelated investors to collaborate, and Transferable shares, providing liquidity to their shareholders without impairing the liquidity of the [...]

From Urgent to Important: Transforming Compliance Experts into Governance Champions

By | 2018-12-06T12:41:21+00:00 September 5th, 2018|Call for Change|

ISSUE Is your professional life like that of a fire fighter-unpredictable workday, putting out one fire after another, stiff deadlines to meet under intense pressure? Are the words crisis, problems, emergencies and deadlines frequently heard in your daily work life leaving you exhausted and fatigued? If the answer to the above questions are yes, [...]

The Four Stages of Evolution in Equity Share Valuation: 1.Dividend Capitalization Method-The Concept, Trigger and Limitations

By | 2020-04-29T10:56:05+00:00 September 5th, 2018|First of First|

Large businesses and business intending to be large are organized as companies for they provide the triple advantage of ‘Existence at will’ for they survive till their shareholders decide to dissolve them Limited liability enabling many unrelated investors to collaborate, and Transferable shares, providing liquidity to their shareholders without impairing the liquidity of the [...]

KMP means You Are The BOSS: Should Company Secretaries be Assertive?

By | 2018-12-06T16:24:23+00:00 August 5th, 2018|Call for Change|

ISSUE In any given week, I interact with more than five to six company secretaries of different companies. In the last few months, I observed that there are many young professionals in their 20’s who are working as the Company Secretary in medium to large companies and have to deal with experienced and senior [...]

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