

Book Review: Corporate Disclosures

By | 2017-04-13T05:35:48+00:00 July 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

(The below is reproduced from Outlook Business, issue of Sept 26, 2015.) A Corporate Evolution Shriram Subramanian of InGovern Research reviews Corporate Disclosures It is not often that one comes across a book where the author decides to follow his own book’s principles in setting up a company. Shankar Jaganathan, who set up [...]

Lead Review: Alternative Concepts

By | 2017-04-13T05:40:03+00:00 June 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Dodd’s book offers significant insights by looking at routine economic events and policy responses through a non-economic lens, says Shankar Jagannathan Like cricket in india, money  is the subject of discussion in both professional and amateur groups across the world. These discussions often get heated and their circles expand in the context of prominent [...]

Setting Secretarial Standards: What Next?

By | 2017-04-13T05:38:43+00:00 May 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

(This article was published in the Souvenir released on the occasion of the 40th Regional Conference of Company Secretaries, held in Bangalore on June 19-20, 2015)  Do Benefits justify the Cost of Standard Setting? For the first time the world saw two unique business innovation introduced in India by the Companies Act, 2013. Mandating Corporate [...]

Know your Company: One Person Companies (OPCs)

By | 2017-04-13T05:41:21+00:00 April 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

‘Two is company’, a popular saying is no longer appropriate, after the enactment of the Companies Act, 2013, at least in the business world. With the introduction of One Person Companies (OPCs) any one individual can, on their own, form a company. In a short period of one year, 1400 OPCs have been incorporated [...]

Knowing the Company: What do Movies and Companies have in Common?

By | 2017-04-13T05:43:11+00:00 March 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Movies and companies have a huge influence on our lives today. While movies impact the popular choice of attire, language and behaviour, in the case of companies their influence is equally strong but only subtle. Not just for impact, but even in their workings common threads can be found. Producers, financiers, directors, actors, editors [...]

Knowing The Company: CIN’s Logic

By | 2017-04-14T11:28:52+00:00 March 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

  There is hardly anyone in the urban world who does not deal with a company today. While most of us use products and services produced and/or distributed by companies, a few are also employed by them. While this knowledge is optional for an urban citizen, to the corporate executives and professionals, it can [...]

Budget Cimplyfied!

By | 2017-04-13T05:48:03+00:00 February 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Union Budget 2015: Insights for Capital Markets By Shriram Subramanian Regulatory environment is set for major changes. Prominent among them are: • New Comprehensive Bankruptcy Code proposed. Intended to spur entrepreneurship and investments as the shortcomings in both SICA (Sick Industrial Companies Act) and BIFR (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction) is expected to [...]

Budget Simplified

By | 2017-04-13T05:56:33+00:00 January 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

  Budget 2015: Is there enough to turn vision into reality? By Shankar Jaganathan While smokeless cigarettes, de-caffeinated coffee and non-alcoholic beer may have takers, the question remains whether Union Budgets without taxes would generate the same excitement that it does today. Hearing the shrill debates on TV channels, it is very clear that [...]

360⁰ View of Compliance: The difference between Restriction and Restraint By Shankar Jaganathan

By | 2017-04-14T10:57:57+00:00 December 12th, 2015|Uncategorized|

  Need for Compliance Sitting in the backseat of a cab my friend and I looked on shocked as our driver ran through a series of red lights. As my friend asked him to stop at the next red light, the driver wisely remarked, ‘At 11 in the night, stopping at red light is [...]

3 Signs of a Good Business: The Peacock and the Crane

By | 2017-04-14T11:03:21+00:00 November 12th, 2015|Uncategorized|

  Business come in varying sizes. Visualizing this range is helpful in appreciating what is a good business. As visualizations go the colourful world of birds is a good place to start; for birds like business have more in common than their first letter-B. The size of birds range from bee hummingbird weighing 1.6 [...]

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